Welcome To Iona Miller's SCIENCE-ART Home Page "Wisdom through Beauty"
http://www.facebook.com/iona.miller Join me on Facebook Science-Art-USA alliance with Science-Art Research Centre Science-Art has come to America again. Years ago artist Robert Pope received an award in Hollywood from the Thalian Society during his stunning Science-Art artshow. Now Science-Art has found a sponsor in America to spread its negentropic message in the art world here and beyond. That message is rooted in Nature and complexity. It calls for a return to Natural Philosophy. Iona Miller calls it CHAOSOPHY in her writings. She immediately found SCIENCE-ART sympatico, recognizing the need for human survival technology.
Miller is a recognized science-artist, equally fluent in both domains and their philosophy. Her works have shown in Miami, New York and Phoenix. Known for her "out of the Shroedinger's box" thinking, she is also affiliated with Poetry Science Talks Salon of New York City.
Transdisciplinarian and consultant, Iona Miller is a writer, hypnotherapist and multimedia artist. She is a trailblazer relating chaos theory and emergent paradigm shift in biophysics, experiential psychotherapy, new physics, philosophy, cosmology, medicine, creativity, art, esoterics, and society. Toward this end she works with scientists, artists, and art critics around the globe. See her frontier science writing and annual CHAOSOPHY JOURNAL at http://ionamiller.weebly.com & http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com
In kabbalah, too, the way to Wisdom is through Beauty, Tiphareth the Heart Center, our spiritual core. In kabbalah, the path ART leads to Beauty, Tiphareth.
In 2004, Iona went to the eastern coast of Australia for Nexus and Science-Art, to Phoenix/ Tempe/Scottsdale for an art tour with Judd and Gartel, the Canadian border for publishing meetings, and Amsterdam in May 05 for the Nexus Euro-conference.
"I paint to evolve a changing language of symbols, language with which to remark upon the qualities of our mysterious capacities which direct us toward ultimate reality." --Morris Graves |
SCIENCE-ART MANIFESTO 2006 Digital Universe: New Media Morphs the Memescape
SCI-ART is not an art school nor school of art, but a movement: a shared attitude, aesthetic sensibility, and philosophy about humanity's future and Bohemian virtues: Beauty, Love, Truth and Justice and HUMAN SURVIVAL
The USA School of Science-Art is KNOW BROW ART, art in service with human survival technology.
9/2005 ~ Iona Miller’s art and commentary is included in the new Science-Art art book (see http://science-art-usa.50megs.com and http://www.science-art.com.au/
THE TRUE MEANING OF THE DAVINCI CODE By Robert Pope Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005 ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs) By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo da Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton. Da Vinci was an “Unbalanced genius” according to Professor Pope, and by “inadvertently” obscuring the “principle of creation” he helped bring into existence a mechanistic mindset that is now accelerating a global crisis of destruction. He made the ultimate mistake by suggesting that all of the universe could be made visible to human perception, and yet the Greeks, and other ancients before them, identified with a universal reality in which harmonious, invisible atomic movement generated divine wisdom. In response to popular novels like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth. Furthermore, he says, the quest of the Knights Templar was bound up in ensuring that the wisdom of this code would not be lost. In this escapade through the philosophies of the ages, Pope reassesses our technocentric society and posits a better way to achieve true democracy and peace. Review, Nexus Magazine, Sept-Oct, 05, p. 72 _______________________________ Professor Robert Pope's life's work was documented over a quater of a century ago by ABC National Television's The Scientists - Profiles of discovery. His discovery of hidden codes within Renaissance paintings was traced to a lost ancient Greek science which had its origins at the dawn of human civilization. This science was about humanity avoiding extinction. The Roman historian Cicero recorded that those who taught it were called Saviours. This book traces the attempt by the Knights Templar to bring about a rebirth of the lost Greek science - the real meaning of the Renaissance. Recent discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished writings confirm the importance of the true meaning of the code. The quest of the Knights Templar was the rediscovery of the lost Principle of Creation so that humanity could escape extinction at the hands of the Principle of Destruction. Robert Pope's discovery of the true meaning of the code has now become recognised as being of vital importance for global human survival. Price: $23.00 Aus. plus postage $5.00 within Australia or ten books for $150.00 + postage _______________________________ 31 January, 1 February, 15 February, 27 February to 18 April 2004
The 2004 Science-Art Festival comprised an interactive, artistic and informative program bringing together artists, scientists, environmentalists and the wider community to discuss, debate and interpret The Synergy of Art and Science and Fractals.
During the festival program delegates will be invited to contribute to the creative spirit by designing symbols, text and artworks interpreting human values such as beauty, love, honour, justice, truth and compassion. Guest speakers, in their filed of expertise, will lecture on the subject of the Infinite Universe and Human Survival Technology that will sustain an Ennobling Society.
A signature item in the festival program will be an exhibition by visiting Chinese artists from Yangzhou University and Nanjing University. These artists will facilitate workshops in Chinese calligraphy, music and Chinese water colour painting. The Science-Art artworks will be exhibited with works from the visiting Chinese artists at the new Tweed River Regional Art Gallery.
Project Partners: NSW Ministry for the Arts, Tweed Shire Council, Science-Art Research Centre
Want to know more? Contact Irene Brown, Science-Art Centre on (02) 6679 5442 or pope@science-art.com.au
*** The Science-Art Festival was held in Murwillumbah, NSW over seven nights between March 5 and April 2, 2000. The Festival featured seminars, art exhibitions, an open forum, and "A Concert, Song, Dance, Extravaganza portraying Science-Art." The aim of the Festival and of its presenters, the Science-Art Research Centre, was "to develop a dialogue in the community to promote unity between science and art." |
THESE PRINCIPLES ARE NOW KNOWN COLLECTIVELY AS 'THE DAVINCI CODES' BECAUSE OF THEIR UBIQUITY IN HIS WORKS. CREATIVE PHYSICS ADVOCATES A RENAISSANCE OF THOSE ONCE UNIVERSAL INSIGHTS IN TANDEM WITH OUR INTELLECTUAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES. THE PRINCIPLE, WHEN FULLY REALIZED BY THOSE AT THE HELM OF OUR SCIENCES, MAY ACT AS A 'MAGIC BULLET' IN AVERTING AN IMPENDING ENVIRONMENTAL, ECOLOGICAL, AND SOCIOLOGICAL SUICIDE. Science-Art Research Centre is has produced an art volume of science-art that strongly reflects the DaVinci Codes, geometrical principles seen throughout his works. Iona Miller's kabbalistic painting THE DIAMOND BODY is the culmination of the book, which is an accessible visual version of CREATIVE PHYSICS. The book immediately sold out its first printing and is currently in reprint.
An international art exhibit and lecture tour is planned to show works of artists from the book.
Science-art is visionary. The emerging visionary art culture is an applied paradigm for helping to respond to the planetary healing crisis. It offers transformational options for a civilization on the brink of collapse. By invoking awareness, conscious evolution and free creative expression, visionary art culture is an inspirational toolset for the applied co-creation of our relationship to self and world.
In Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan conjectured, "If men were able to be convinced that art is precise advance knowledge of how to cope with the psychic and social consequences of the next technology, would they all become artists? Or would they begin a careful translation of new art forms into social navigation charts? I am curious to know what would happen if art were suddenly seen for what it is, namely, exact information of how to rearrange one's psyche in order to anticipate the next blow from our own extended faculties."
American Master, Morris Graves said, "My focus is beauty. We live in a world of opposites tugging at us. ART alone has no opposite."
Find works and PHOTO PAGES here by Science-Artists: LAURENCE GARTEL Bradford Stuart Randy Mack Mark Diamond
ARTIST'S STATEMENT: STATE OF THE ART: The cry of Post-Postmodern art is "Stop! We've had enough!" We're full of data glut and quick-cut image glut. We've Flashed into a collective spasm that verges on panic. We can't fight or flee the technological juggernaut, and why should we? We can use it as our medium for self-expression, joyously making technological and experiential works, body-based works, and mythopoetic works. They aren't machine-made; they are informed, considered executions of our vision, not just mechanical programs or aesthetic accidents. Art connected to Source and the zeitgeist of its times has a living taproot in the matrix of evolution. Our works "work" when they work themselves through our culture, based on that culture's underlying psychological need. They become meaningful if perceived as carrying revelatory weight that somehow illuminates our collective lives. They may not be "true", but good things come of this generative vision, reaffirming and celebrating our humanity. To be art, it just has to be significant. As artists, we use our own experiential vision to create perceptual embodiments in our medium of choice. We can still take a fresh look at the world, inspired by the entire spectrum of human artistic endeavor, without resurrecting or imitating the past, but taking it that strategic step further with contextualized elements. We have attained a degree of technological sophistication to open most, if not all, of the new realms to the creative process. Unexplored media include truly tactile virtual reality, and various levels of induced altered awareness, such as hypnotism, which assault as many of the senses as possible in order to break open the door of the five senses and drive our audience into the infinitude beyond, newer vistas of participatory experience and expression. STATE OF THE HEART: Higher art must be intensely personal while being universal and universally accessible. It must show refined knowledge, understanding and respect for the art that has come before to enrich those around us. Much the same can be said for an artfully and heartfully lived life. We can apply a similar strategy to our spirituality, drawing on the best of what the past offers while keeping our practice and service contemporary and relevant. Our lives become multidimensional artful expressions without frames, embodied in living Light. Process-oriented spirituality is eclectic and intensely personal. The connection we have with the inspirational Source that nourishes creative life is the same source that sustains our spirits and funds our compassion. It is a deep well from which we can drink at will, the abundant lifesprings of our essential being. The Romantics, arguably beginning with Blake, turned art into a kind of substitute for religion. The East emphasizes a mystical-magical orientation, the West a humanist-rationalist POV. Romanticism is an essentially Gnostic spirituality, a Mystery religion. But now there is no intergenerational priesthood to have our visions for us; we have them for ourselves. Rather than antiscientifically considering cognition and technofacility an anti-artistic dirty little secret, digital art and multimedia embrace the fusion. There is no Romantic terror of human cognition nor need for antitechnical transcendence. Knowledge is power...over yourself. Mind your mind; control yourself. There is no artificial distinction between the pursuit of knowledge and self-knowledge and aesthetics. Iona Miller Webpresence 2015 - http://ionamiller.weebly.com ________________________ WHAT’S NEW 2015
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
JCER - Vol. 5; Issue 3; April 2014 Sub-quantum Phenomena & Brain-Mind Problem http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/issue/view/43/showTocJCER - Vol. 4; Issue 6, July 2013
SCHUMANN RESONANCE Psychophysical Regulation & Psi by Iona Miller, 2013 http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/schumann-resonance.html http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/lewis-hainsworth.html
GEOMAGNETICS & CONSCIOUSNESS Geomagnetic Field Effects & Human Psychophysiology Iona Miller, 2013 http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/geomagnetics.html
THE SEDONA EFFECT Correlations Between Geomagnetic Anomalies, EEG Brainwaves, & Schumann Resonance in Sedona Vortex Areas by Iona Miller and Ben Lonetree, (c)2013 http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/vortex-phenomena.html
JCER, Vol 4 No 2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/129040316/JCER-V4-2-Various-Contents-of-Consciousness-and-Theories-of-Their-Origins Holographic Dreams, Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/holographic-dreams.html The Value of Dream Work, Iona Miller http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/286/314 The Fractal Nature of Active Sleep & Waking Dreams, Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/fractal-dreams.html Pineal Gland, DMT & Altered States of Consciousness, Iona Miller http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/286/314
JCER Vol 3 No 9 http://www.scribd.com/doc/109662982/JCER-V3-9-Science-of-Compassion Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority I: An Artful Look at Science & a Scientific Look at Art. Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/creative-minority.html Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority II: The Nature of the Creative Process, Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan I. Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/gowans-paranormal-i.html Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan II. Review Article: A Transdisciplinary Look at Paranthropology: An Emerging Field of Exploration. Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/paranthropology-review.html
JCER: Vol 3 No 6 http://www.scribd.com/doc/101059652/JCER-V3-6-Entheogens-Existential-Reality-Review-of-Remote-Mental-Interactions Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 1 PDF Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/remote-mentation-jcer.html Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 2 PDF Iona Miller Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3 PDF Iona Miller Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 4 PDF Iona Miller
JCER: Vol. 3 No. 5 http://www.scribd.com/doc/99034439/JCER-V3-5-Metaphorms-Informational-Reality (1) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part I; Iona Miller http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/218/236 (2) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part II; Iona Miller (3) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part I; Iona Miller http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/220/238 (4) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part II, Iona Miller
JCER Vol 3 No 3, March 2012: Iona Miller Focus Issue http://www.scribd.com/doc/87564600/JCER-V3-3-Holographic-Archetypes Iona Miller, The Nonlocal Mind Paradigm: A Transdisciplinary Revision of Mind-Body in Philosophy, Art & Science. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/206/222 Article: Iona Miller, How the Brain Creates the Feeling of God: The Emergent Science of Neurotheology. Article: Iona Miller, The Whole Sum Infinity: Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/208/224 Article: Iona Miller, Holographic Archetypes: Top Down & Bottom Up Control of Personal & Collective Consciousness. Article: Iona Miller, Natural Philosophy: Beyond The Undulant Quiescence. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/210/226 SCIENTIFIC GOD JOURNALSGJ Vol. 5 No 3, 2014On the Quantum Aspects of Mind-Body Problem, Iona Millerhttp://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/303/350SGJ Vol 4 No 1 http://www.scribd.com/doc/123390321/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-4-Issue-1-Welcome-to-the-Age-of-Scientific-GODHolographic Godforms, Spirit of the Times, Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/holographic-gods.htmlHolographic Godforms, Holographic Archetypes, Iona MillerSGJ Vol 3, No 10http://www.scribd.com/doc/115086833/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-10-The-Eve-of-December-21-2012Article: God's Fingerprints: Using Reflexive Praxis to Identify Underlying Social Neg-entropic Patterns, Paul Wildman & Iona MillerSGJ Vol 3, No 9 http://www.scribd.com/doc/109943767/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-9-Cosmic-InsightArticle: Glocalization As a Key Human Survival Technology, Paul Wildman & Iona MillerSGJ Vol 3, No 8Article: Reflexive Practice, Paul Wildman & Iona Miller http://www.scribd.com/doc/104748236/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-7-On-Matter-Spacetime-MaterialistSGJ Vol 3, No 6 http://www.scribd.com/doc/101888193/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-6-Higgs-Discovery-God-Particle Article: Paul Wildman & Iona Miller, The Esoteric Thesis: Unspeakable Things & Unknowable Truths. Article: Iona Miller & Paul Wildman, Ancient Wisdom in Modern Age: An Archaic Renaissance. Essay: Iona Miller, The Weak Force as Manifestation of Anima Mundi: An Exploration. http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/weak-force-sgj.htmlSGJ: Vol 3 No. 5 http://www.scribd.com/doc/98802448/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-5-Toward-the-Unification-of-Science-Spirituality(3) Ultraholism: The Field of Infinite Meaning, Iona Millerhttp://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/ultraholism-sgj.html(4) Demiurgic Field: Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation & Creativity, Iona Miller & Paul Wildmanhttp://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/demiurgic-field-sgj.html(5) Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality, Iona Millerhttp://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/preexistence-sgj.html SGJ: Vol 3 No 3 http://www.scribd.com/doc/87567496/Scientific-GOD-Journal-Volume-3-Issue-3(2) Synchronicity: When Cosmos Mirrors Inner Events, Iona Miller; http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/synchronicity-sgj.html(3) Luminous Ground: The Zero with a Thousand Faces, Iona Miller; http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/luminous-ground-sgj.html DNA DECIPHER JOURNAL
Vol 2, No 2; Guest Editor, Iona Miller http://www.scribd.com/doc/94679796/DNADJ-Volume-2-Issue-2-Novel-Approaches-to-Genomic-Science Article: (1) Novel Approaches to Genomic Science: Retrieval & Curation, by Iona Miller http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/25/35 (2) Embryonic Holography: An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality; (3) The Bioelectronic Basis for “Healing Energies” (4) Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics; 5) Biophysical Mechanisms of Genetic Regulation: Is There a Link to Mind-Body Healing? (6) A Proposal for Inferential Evidence of the DNA Phantom Effect.
Vol. 1, No 2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/51906435/DNA-Decipher-Journal-V1-2-Wave-Genetics-Quantum-Bioholograhy-Quantum-Evolution Article: From Helix to Hologram, Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/helix-to-hologram-nexus.html Article: Quantum Bioholography: a review of the field from 1973-2002, Iona Miller http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/biohologram-dnadj.html
1/1/06 NEW WEBSITE: IONATOPIA Comprehensive intro and updates for all writing and art. http://ionatopia.50megs.com 2/7/06 NEW WEBSITE: DIGITAL UNIVERSE http://digitaluniverse.50megs.com VIRTUAL QABALAH art/music DVD with Merlyn Morgan; Albert Hoffman 100th birthday party, Basel; Io digital media art Media Ecology; Video Guru Nam June Paik’s Wake, NYC, more. 2/9/06 I've been asked to join the Board of Directors of MediGrace nonprofit, which continues my interests of including meditation in complementary medicine, and development of human survival technologies. I've been working on this for some time with Dr. Marshall F. Gilula in Miami (heartstringsbook.50megs.com), but this local organization does both professional and public outreach, emphasizing self-care, which I find appealing. The Calm Birth book was released last season; Calm Healing has been written and includes some of my nonobjective artwork. It is wrapping up the publishing process now. medigrace.org/ calmbirth.org/ THE IONASPHERE: COLLECTED WORKS iona@ionamiller.org iona_m@yahoo.com
LUX ARTILLERY ART BOOK http://theluxartillery.chaosmagic.com
2005 ART UPDATES http://ionamiller.50megs.com 2005 UPDATES PORTAL http://ionamiller.chaosmagic.com SYNERGETIC QABALA PORTAL 2005 http://synergeticqabala.chaosmagic.com FUTURE SCIENCE PORTAL http://futurescience.chaosmagic.com CREATIVITY PORTAL http://creativity.chaosmagic.com THE MODERN ALCHEMIST BOOK http://themodernalchemist.chaosmagic.com EMERGENT HEALING PARADIGM PORTAL http://emergenthealing.50megs.com SCIENCE ART USA PORTAL http://science-art-usa.50megs.com IO UPDATES 2005 & SAMPLE ARTICLES http://www.angelfire.com/art2/digidiva_ionamiller ART ARTICLES http://gartelmiami.50megs.com Iona is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions International), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions, and more.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Inc, based in Uki, northern New South Wales, is responsible for the discovery of Creative Physics, a new science of "fundamental physics principles" developed from the "Classical Epicurean Science for ethical ends", which acts to balance Newtonian physics. Remarkably, this balancing of physical sciences is achieved without any recourse to the major discoveries of the past 100 years, and exists without the need to account for the theories of relativity or quantum mechanics.
Creative Physics is rooted in the conviction that the two cultures of art and science must be reunited, after centuries of being artificially separated by the teachings of the Christian church. In its present state, modern physics is a flawed and incomplete system because it fails to incorporate human emotion and creativity. Similarly, life science is incompatible with the linear geometry of most modern technology. On the other hand, a new discovery such as fractal geometry "represents the expression of the life force in our world." The Centre seeks to promote the development of these "ethical geometries". In ancient Greece these geometries were embodied in formulations such as the golden mean, which could explain internal and external worlds alike. As the Centre explains it: "The geometries of musical harmonics were used to explain how atomic movement generated feelings of creative thought whilst other geometries were used to explain that the properties of the material atom could destroy civilization." Through these means Creative Physics seeks to identify the physical laws that govern universal creativity.
It is the aim of the Centre to demonstrate how Creative Physics forms the fundamental principles that underlie and unite fields of research as diverse as life sciences, physics, the science-art synergy, ethical legal science, ethical economic development and community design. In 1995 the Science-Art Research Centre was awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Australian government.
The Centre's founder is the artist Robert Pope, who has a background in oil and mineral exploration in outback Australia in the 1960s. For over thirty years he has worked to develop the tenets of ancient Greek art philosophy into a framework for a discipline of science that allows for human creativity, and to convey scientific principles through art.
Iona Miller's SCIENCE-ART-USA is affiliated with but in no financial or legal ways attached to Science-Art Research Centre. |

SCIENCE-ART FOUNDER Professor Robert Pope, Artist, Australia
Science-Art Research Centre
In 1988, Pope was appointed Artist-in-Residence to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney to work on the campus alongside a team of cancer researchers. The result of this collaboration was the proposal of a theory that the propagation of cancer cells was influenced by a universal low-level energy field, linking electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Creative Physics later developed this theory to establish that all natural phenomena is permeated with a background field of life-sustaining energy, whose properties concentrate into atomic substance and form the basis of consciousness. The field is in turn influenced by "energetic vibrational patterns" - whether they be physical, mental or emotional - forming in effect a feedback between alterations of consciousness and their plastic manifestations. In 1994 Pope's work was validated when the Centre announced the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum (human) biological growth and development, published in a book the Centre is proud to say was "internationally declaimed". In the following years, an international team of scientists discovered "a vast new biological science and technology", as had been predicted by Pope is his modifications to Leonardo da Vinci's "Theory of Knowledge". Recent advances in biomedical nanotechnology are claimed by the Centre as corroborating Pope's new science of medicine, based upon the ancient Greek concepts of good and evil. Professor Barry Ninham of the Australian National University has written that Pope's work "encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions." Robert Pope received an Outstanding People of the 20th Century Award from the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England in 1998. As part of the Science-Art Festival, a seminar was held on the topic of "Symbols of Our Age". After the speakers gave their presentations and videos, members of the audience were invited to come up with ideas for new symbols to guide humanity into the 21st Century. The concepts covered were wellbeing, sustainability, unity, culture, democracy and morality. After discussion of these concepts and drafting of appropriate symbolic shapes, the final symbols were selected by popular vote and were recorded with accompanying text, to be used by the artists who intended to participate in the Festival's subsequent art exhibition. According to the seminar publicity, "the symbols and text will be the first to be entered into the official registration book of Symbols of the 21st Century". These symbols are available for viewing online at the Centre's website, at http://www.science-art.com.au/. It is also possible to order through the website the Centre's books, pamphlets, CD-ROMS and artworks, including some fine Australian bush landscapes.